Illusions Through The Years…

27 04 2008

Painters and artists alike have been using optical illusions for ages. Think about it, an artist has to use his skills to fool your perception and make you believe that is painting is actually 3D. Artists use perception illusions, color illusions, and many other illusion subcategories to help fool your mind into believing what you see on a canvas.

Even though most artists use optical illusions to make their art more believable, some artists take their art to the next step by creating art with the purpose of fooling others. Take Salvador Dali’s works of art.

Notice that there are more to the images than meets the eye. My first impression of image one was that a woman was near a window. When I stepped back, I also saw the profile of a man! For the second painting I immediately noticed the black and white image of the “old woman”. As I looked closer however, I noticed that the old woman was made up of two individuals dressed in white and black.

Another famous artist known for his optical illusions would have to be M.C. Escher. The widely known illusion below is called Day and Night can you guess why?


There are many interesting features to the image above. First off, in what direction are the birds flying? What are the colors of the birds? There are two answers to that. Looking from the center to the right of the image you see white birds flying off in the darkness. However, when looking from the center to the left of the image you also see that there are black birds that fly in daylight. The birds also merge into sections of the landscape. You see these different perspectives because each bird is outlined by the shapes of other birds. As you look around, your perceptions change!

One of my favorite illusions that encompasses many of the illusions I’ve discussed over these past blog entries would have to be Relativity by Escher.

What makes this illusion so special would have to be the sheer genius and creativity that went into making an illusion of this sort. Coming from a person who has attempted at creating successful optical illusions, this image is no easy feat. View the image from top to bottom. What do you see? Where do the stairs lead? What are the figures doing? Escher tries to make us see this image in new ways of perspective using is intricate shading techniques and perspective skills.

Looking from the bottom, you see that an individual is going up a flight of stairs. To the right of him a woman seems to go down a flight of stairs that are upside down. But how could this be? Escher uses perspective to trick the mind which allows you to see different versions of the picture at once.

Tilt your head to the right. Does the perspective of the image change? you bet! Now we see a view of people eating on an outside porch-an image that was originally turned on its side. The list of illusions used in this image go on and on. Escher’s skills as an artist and an illusionist bear great examples to different illusion types and forms. We notice changes in perspective, impossible objects, and 3D illusions all in one picture. It just goes to show how easy it is to get fooled with information you see, process and try to understand with your own eyes-its mind blowing.

Other images encompass different illusion categories would be:
Do you notice anything strange about this illusion? Do you really think that you can climb a wall like this? This is an example of a perspective and impossible object illusion. Your view on the orientation of the wall changes depending on where you look at the image. The image is also impossible because it seems to be on the ground then high in the sky-which is impossible for a flat surfaced floor.

The famous illusions above are ambiguous illusions meaning that you can interpret them in more than one way. In the first illusion you can see either an old couple or two men playing music. In the second illusion you can see the profile of an old man or the images of two peasants under an arch. It all depends on how you view the images.

Your Optical Illusionist,




29 responses

27 04 2008

whoa i know this artist! i’m a big fan of his

9 10 2009

anyone kno how 2 change the icon thingy 4 wen u post a comment

27 04 2008

I love looking at pictures Escher made. They’re so complex and it’s hard to imagine that a person can create something like that. It’s amazing. =]

27 04 2008

These are awesome! I always enjoyed the simple optical illusions, but its awesome how complex paintings can form different pictures at the same time. I wonder how the people came up with the idea of morphing two completely different things together at the same time. So interesting! Awesome illusions.

28 04 2008

It is awesome that even in paintings there are many optical illusions. There is more than meets the eye, all you have to do is look and think deeper about the painting.

6 09 2008

[sup] &hearts I love the 5th pic it awsome its so realistce. &hearts [sup]

19 02 2009

Actually, In the second Dali, it is not an old woman, it is a famous french Philosepher!

22 01 2010
some gurl

i love all of them even thugh they hurt my eyes

10 03 2009
Lucky Day~!^^

Wow~ It’s cool~ 🙂

10 03 2009
Lucky Day~!^^

It’s actually,
really~ cool~! 😛

13 04 2009

Well in regards to Parker, there are two distinct images in that work. One being a women near a window and the other a profile of a man.

26 05 2009
heart break kid


29 08 2009

real great artist.

9 10 2009

i lik illusions but sum times the ones where u hav 2 look at it at other places or u can c ppl making bigger ppl raly hurt my eyes

16 11 2009
Fay Thompson

There cool my stupid Cousin dosent see some of them but i see all!!! Thanks there BOSS!

5 01 2010

I’ve been looking for some time for the picture of two ladies having tea, but when looking at this picture you can see the face of the devil. The work was titled “Gossip.” Any idea on how I can locate this print? Thanks!

31 03 2010

have you had any repies on Gossip? i have been looking as well.
pls email me back thanks.

4 05 2010

I believe this was what you were referring to? sorry for the delay!

4 05 2010

here you go! I hope this is what you were referring to

9 01 2010

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooottttttttttttttttt :DD

7 02 2010

Reutersvard will always be my favourite

27 02 2010

it`s really really cool!!!!!!!

27 02 2010

it`s really really cool!!!!!!!

28 02 2010
some commenting guy

whoa i like the wall one the most

10 03 2010
Pen Islanders

I think these are very good.Also, Afzal is really cool. Not really, he sucks.

Okay, okay, Ash and Khi are cool too. But it was khi’s idea!!!
No it wasn’t
Shhh :p

20 11 2010

wierd in a good way

29 11 2010

omg this is totally radd dude

6 12 2010

brilliant! how come i never read about it? קידום אתרים

17 01 2012
(>^_^)> 11 Artistic Ambiguous Illusion Designs >> from The Endearing Designer : Design Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, Tools and More... The Endearing Designer

[…] artworks for your inspiration and enjoyment… 01. OLD MAN OR TWO PEOPLE ILLUSION(via TheOpticalIllusionist) 02. OLD COUPLE OR YOUNG PEOPLE ILLUSION(via […]

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